24 - Wild Painting Experiments

General / 30 April 2022

I'm keeping a regular schedule to learn and review the human anatomy I've learned from Mr. Rey (Rey Bustos) since this January. I've been listening to his video lectures on New Masters Academy, and then double checked with the handy hardcover book "Rey's Anatomy: Figurative Art Lessons from the Classroom" that I ordered from Amazon recently.

Here is an example of my daily muscle analysis:

Muscle analysis of a masterful drawing of Raphael (1483 -1520)

Besides learning muscles and bones, I'm also exploring new art styles too. By trying different digital brushes in Photoshop and painting apps like HeavyPaint, I've found a new liking for abstract shapes somehow.

Two abstract figures were painted with Spring 2022 brushes from Kyle T. Webster in Photoshop.

30-minute painting practices without undoing, redoing, or color-picking in HeavyPaint (Hardcore Mode)!

The left portrait was painted with Bill Robison brushes in Photoshop, and the pose was based on Carla Cordelia on Instagram. 
The right one was done in HeavyPaint inspired by a cheerful classmate of mine.

I've recently got excited with Chromagraph digital pencils and pastels from True Grit Texture Supply in Photoshop!

It's strangely interesting that I started with pen & ink on paper, then went after digital oil painting. Now I'm playing with abstract or shape paintings! I don't know what I will prefer months later, but for now, I'll keep having fun painting interesting human figures for sure.

Thank you for reading my blog at the end of each month. I'm in Vietnam (at GMT+7 time zone) so my end of month may be a day earlier than those of you from the United States for example. Until next time, have fun with your own journey and keep exploring new possibilities!